As a new mom of two and taking on a brand new role at my company, I've been asking myself these questions a lot. There are days when I feel like I've figured out a great balance, followed by others that are a complete and utter disaster where I'm dropping the ball on both work and life. Often times work and life are considered polarities, you choose or the other, but not both.
When you see polarities as one vs. the other, there's no option for both. However, by taking the stance that polarities can work as complements, you can uncover a path to balance the balance. Polarities exist everywhere in our lives, not just when we think about work/life. There are polarities in when to use intuition vs. fact, when things should be centralized vs. decentralized or when you need stability vs. change. By learning how to balance polarities, you can find a path to balance as well as the best outcome.
Join us for an exciting and tactical workshop where we'll explore a model for balancing polarities. We'll use real examples from your own work and life to identify the "early warning signs" that you are leaning too far to one side vs. the other. You'll also walk away with action steps that can enable you and your team to optimize and balance your thinking and work.