WEST Wisdom Blog

Diving into Coaching & Mentoring

Posted by Courtney Cyron on May 14, 2024 10:31:16 AM

One of the pieces of feedback WEST has received lately is questions about becoming a better coach or mentor. WEST believes in the value of coaching and mentoring throughout one’s career and is thrilled to be hosting the upcoming event “Empowering YOU: How to Be a Great Coach or Mentor.” 

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Career, Mentoring, Coaching, Influence, Developing Your Skills, Challenges, Career Development, Mentor, #WESTevent

Career Possibilities & Speed Networking Series Gives Attendees More Than Hope in Their Career Change Plans

Posted by Courtney Cyron on Feb 14, 2023 6:53:50 PM

Considering a job or career change can be daunting, or it can be the most exciting life change you plan in a year. The difference is in how you approach making your career change. You could jump in blindly and hope to stumble on the right job, hope that your new position is a good fit for you and that you find a position you can finally call your career, but hope isn’t a plan. Starting your career change process with the Career Possibilities Panel & Speed Networking series put on by WEST and sponsored by Gilead Sciences can be. This series features panels with specialized STEM experiences. Each event gives panelists the opportunity to share about their backgrounds, experiences, and current jobs, as well as giving attendees the opportunity to network with the panelists and other STEM professionals. 

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Topics: Events, Career, Communication, Panel, Network, Networking, Upcoming Events, Career Development, Career Possibilities, Speed Networking, Advice, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, Experience

Don’t Miss the Power of Inclusive Conversations

Posted by Dawn Diperi on Sep 28, 2022 12:58:41 PM

I have been thinking deeply about how women in STEM can have more seats at the table and not the kiddie table where one goes to do tidying up and office housework. The table where their voices are heard, acknowledged, and acted upon. Working in tech myself, I notice particularly how women of color are under-represented and white men are over-represented. Is this a result of the ways in which women are conditioned since childhood? The subtle messages they receive again and again? Are women being excluded in important conversations and meetings? Are their thoughts discarded or ignored? Are they not being given credit for their contributions? Is a lack of mentorship and sponsorship the problem? Is the motherhood bias compiled in under-represented fields? Do women of color experience this even more than any other intersectionality? In many ways women are made to feel as if they don’t belong and speaking up about it can come at the detriment of one’s job and security. However, this narrative needs to change. If we want more women leaders and more of them at the top, we need to be able to approach these conversations calmly and strategically. We need a framework for having inclusive conversations and with that framework we need to use it as a piece of workplace culture that emanates throughout the rest of the organization.

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Career, Communication, Network, Culture, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Professional, Tools, Trust, Conflict Resolution, Challenges, Inclusion, Ally, Allyship, Strong Women, Strong World

Learning to Beat Your Own Burnout

Posted by Courtney Cyron on Sep 21, 2022 1:23:34 PM

Another day headed into work, and you’re stressed about it before you even leave the house. You get to work and find that something just isn’t going your way, and you haven’t even finished your morning coffee yet. You’ve been stressed at work, about work, just thinking about work for weeks now and you know something’s got to give. Finally, it does. Your boss sends an email that just sends you over the edge and you decide you just can’t deal with it right now and take an early lunch. At lunch, you find yourself sitting there thinking, “It’s just me. This job doesn’t seem this stressful to anyone else, there must be something wrong with me.”

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Career, Communication, Resilience, Network, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Professional, Tools, Empowerment, Strong Women, Strong World, Overwhelm

The Keys to Speaking Up to Be Heard

Posted by Courtney Cyron on Sep 16, 2022 10:54:44 AM

Mary Cheyne recounts sitting in a corporate meeting with approximately 25 other people, after a major issue with a project they had been working on. Every person around her had spoken up and provided their input, except her. She managed to leave the meeting without having shared any of her ideas, no matter how brilliant they may have been, because she was afraid of the judgment of everyone else in the room. Feeling ashamed, disappointed in herself, and unable to get out of her own way, she recognized something had to change. 

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Career, Communication, Network, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Professional, Confidence, Empowerment, Competence, Public Speaking, Strong Women, Strong World

20 Years, 20 Stories Total

Posted by Jaime Luna on Nov 2, 2020 12:30:00 PM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary with 20 stories of impact.

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Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Transitions, Career, Awards, Community, Giving Back, Work Life Balance, Resilience, Entrepreneurship, Network, Giving, Job, negotiation, Leader, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Connect, Balance, Inspiration, Role Models, Delegation, Developing Your Skills, Volunteer, Board of Directors, Confidence, Leaders, Book Club, Impact, Career Development, New Opportunities, Mentor, Inclusion, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, Grow

20 Years, 20 Stories - Week 3

Posted by Jaime Luna on Sep 25, 2020 2:56:59 PM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary with 20 stories of impact. This week's stories are from Chesley Chen, Maria Lalioti, Joseph Lehar, Anna Li, Enith Morillo, Makeda M, Liz O'Day, and Elizabeth Wu.

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Transitions, Career, Awards, Community, Giving Back, Work Life Balance, Resilience, Entrepreneurship, Network, Giving, Job, negotiation, Leader, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Connect, Balance, Inspiration, Role Models, Delegation, Developing Your Skills, Volunteer, Board of Directors, Confidence, Leaders, Book Club, Impact, Career Development, New Opportunities, Mentor, Inclusion, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, Grow

20 Years, 20 Stories - Week 2

Posted by Jaime Luna on Sep 19, 2020 5:19:45 PM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary with 20 stories of impact. This week's stories are from Anne Cheung, Elissa Hobert, Reina Improgo, Mariana Nacht, Juliana Soto, and Anne Thessen.

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Transitions, Career, Work Life Balance, Resilience, Network, Giving, negotiation, Leader, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Connect, Balance, Inspiration, Role Models, Developing Your Skills, Confidence, Impact, New Opportunities, Mentor, Inclusion, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary

20 Years, 20 Stories - Week 1

Posted by Jaime Luna on Sep 11, 2020 3:12:12 PM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary with 20 stories of impact. This week's stories are from Denise Aronson, Leah Cole, Elise Huang, and Yelena Wetherill.

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Transitions, Career, Resilience, Network, negotiation, Leader, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Connect, Inspiration, Role Models, Confidence, Impact, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary

Bypass Your Inner Critic in Public Speaking

Posted by Jaime Luna on May 12, 2020 11:34:09 AM

Despite popular belief, people’s top fear is NOT public speaking. That is a myth. For many people, especially women, the top fear is public JUDGMENT.

As a woman leader or emerging leader, how do you OWN what you’re saying without feeling like a fraud?

Whether you’re speaking up in an online virtual conference, a board meeting or giving a presentation, you need to be able to speak with confidence to influence your listeners.

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Career, Communication, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Developing Your Skills, Career Development, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, Be Fearless, Be Brave, Imposter Syndrome, Webinar, Fearlessness, Public Speaking

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