Have you ever felt stuck in your own head? Maybe you faced a situation or decision that you felt conflicted about and did not know what to do because you felt pulled in different directions internally. It’s a common experience and can leave one feeling stuck and lost.
From Self-Criticism to Self-Support: Transform Your Inner Dialogue
Topics: Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, Author Chat, Challenges, Book Club, Career Development, Self-Reflection, #WESTevent, Overwhelm, Growth
Another day headed into work, and you’re stressed about it before you even leave the house. You get to work and find that something just isn’t going your way, and you haven’t even finished your morning coffee yet. You’ve been stressed at work, about work, just thinking about work for weeks now and you know something’s got to give. Finally, it does. Your boss sends an email that just sends you over the edge and you decide you just can’t deal with it right now and take an early lunch. At lunch, you find yourself sitting there thinking, “It’s just me. This job doesn’t seem this stressful to anyone else, there must be something wrong with me.”
Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Career, Communication, Resilience, Network, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Professional, Tools, Empowerment, Strong Women, Strong World, Overwhelm