WEST Wisdom Blog

Diving into Coaching & Mentoring

Posted by Courtney Cyron on May 14, 2024 10:31:16 AM

One of the pieces of feedback WEST has received lately is questions about becoming a better coach or mentor. WEST believes in the value of coaching and mentoring throughout one’s career and is thrilled to be hosting the upcoming event “Empowering YOU: How to Be a Great Coach or Mentor.” 

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Topics: Events, Leadership, Career, Mentoring, Coaching, Influence, Developing Your Skills, Challenges, Career Development, Mentor, #WESTevent

Setting Clear, Actionable Goals is The Most Important Part

Posted by Alissa Brown on Jul 20, 2023 3:41:06 PM

In conversation with Alicja Januszewicz on the importance of setting goals, how do we know we are setting the right goals and tips on how to achieve the outcome you want.

Phew, it is already mid-2023! A great time to check in on the progress of our goals! In many organizations, we set our goals and objectives at the start of a year. There are no rules that goals must start with the new year or that goals will not change or be adapted during the year. Working on your goals can be a journey throughout the year so don’t worry if you are unclear on your goals or unsure if they still feel right for you, now is a good time to reflect. 

The critical step is to define those goals, making sure they align with your core principles, are clear on what you want to achieve, by when, and who can support you in making your goals happen. This clarity will help you find the steps to get you there, to give you a roadmap. Many people use the SMART framework to map out their goals, I use SIMple. S for Specific, I for Important, and M for Measurable. Make sure you use some kind of framework!

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Topics: Career, Mentoring, Coaching, Inspiration, Leading Ourselves, Developing Your Skills, Challenges, Career Development, Mentor, goals

Preposterous Stigmas Resulting in Mental Health Epidemic for Women in STEM

Posted by Courtney Cyron on May 18, 2023 1:27:25 PM

Mental health struggles can happen to anyone. Being in a negative situation for too long is bound to have its effects, and sometimes it takes a lot of work to undo that damage. In many cases, mental health struggles are a result of one specific situation, or a toxic boss or co-worker, something easy to pinpoint. In STEM, that can be true, but even more so, women have seen a higher rate of mental health struggles because of more industry-wide issues. There’s still a stigma, in some places, that women don’t belong in STEM professions or that women are not going to be as smart or as well-educated as men. 

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Topics: Gender Balance, STEM, STEM, Gender Balance, Communication, Community, Choice, Resilience, Mentoring, Coaching, Culture, Networking, Discussion, Mindfulness, Change, Collaboration, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Empathy, Gender Pay Gap, Confidence, Challenges, Career Development, Empowerment, Mentor, Inclusion, Diversity, Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture, D&I, Gender Parity, Equity, STEM Women, STEM Leadership, Female Representation STEM, Hiring Women in STEM, Strong Women

Are you the science type? A conversation with women in science

Posted by Jennifer Assily on Dec 6, 2021 4:17:06 PM

On December 9, 2021 at 6:15 p.m., WEST is hosting a free panel discussion to help answer questions like, "what does it mean to be 'the science type'?" and, "how can you recognize your strengths and interests?" Whether you're in high school and beginning to think about your college and career options or an adult pursuing your career as a scientist, this discussion of learning, recognizing your talents, handling adversity, and helping others pursue their own talents will have something for you. You can sign up to join the discussion on WEST's website.

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Topics: Gender Balance, STEM, Gender Balance, Women, Science, Career, Community, Mentoring, Success, Inspire, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Innovation, Professional, Discussion, Resources, Interactive, Change, Making a Difference, Tools, Inspiration, Career Path, Leading Ourselves, Self-Awareness, Empathy, Focus, Insight, Personal Branding, Strengths, Values, Support, Storytelling, Impact, Career Development, Own It, Empowerment, Mentor, Learn, Outreach, Advocate, Stereotypes, Inclusion, Self-Reflection, Diversity, #WESTevent, Voice, #WESTorg, D&I, Gender Parity, Webinar, Personality, Grow, goals, Equity, STEM Women, Female Representation STEM

WEST's Dynamic Pod Mentoring Program

Posted by Jaime Luna on Aug 18, 2021 1:25:06 PM

Program Mission: To help mentees achieve a personal or career goal by using small mentoring groups (pods) to obtain diverse perspectives that will provide an enriching experience for mentees and enable execution on goals through focused actions. 

WEST is now taking applications for mentors and mentees to join our fall mentoring program. 

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Topics: Women, Career, Mentoring, Success, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Professional, Discussion, Resources, Interactive, Tools, Developing Your Skills, Career Development, Mentor, Learn, #WESTevent, #WESTorg

Senior Leader Interview - Jo Viney

Posted by Shreosi Ghosh on Jan 15, 2021 4:05:11 PM

Jo Viney is the President, Co-founder, and Chief Scientific Officer of Pandion Therapeutics. She is a prominent figure in the field of autoimmunity, and a past board member of WEST. She served as the WEST board’s president from 2016 - 2017, and she continues her affiliation with our organization as an active “Friend of WEST” sponsor. She is no stranger when it comes to supporting and inspiring women in the field of STEM. I recently sat down with Jo (virtually), where we talked about her journey. Her smile was infectious, and her journey struck a chord with me.

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Topics: Leadership, Science, Transitions, Career, Community, Giving Back, Interview, Women in STEM, Member Spotlight, Biotech, Rockstars, Inspiration, Role Models, Leaders, Impact, Career Development, Mentor, Advice, Advocate, #WESTorg

20 Years, 20 Stories Total

Posted by Jaime Luna on Nov 2, 2020 12:30:00 PM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary with 20 stories of impact.

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Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Transitions, Career, Awards, Community, Giving Back, Work Life Balance, Resilience, Entrepreneurship, Network, Giving, Job, negotiation, Leader, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Connect, Balance, Inspiration, Role Models, Delegation, Developing Your Skills, Volunteer, Board of Directors, Confidence, Leaders, Book Club, Impact, Career Development, New Opportunities, Mentor, Inclusion, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, Grow

20 Inspirational Leaders - Week 3

Posted by Jaime Luna on Oct 30, 2020 8:45:00 AM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary by highlighting inspirational leaders in biotech. This week's highlights include Cherie Butts, Gersham Dent, Yvonne Greenstreet, Mona Hanna-Attisha, Anne Heatherington, Michelle McMurry Heath, Laura Mendoza, and Rachel Sha. 

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Topics: Leadership, Women, Career, Awards, Community, Leader, Women in STEM, Networking, Professional, Biotech, Connect, Inspiration, Role Models, Leaders, Impact, Mentor, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, 20 Inspirational Leaders

20 Inspirational Leaders - Week 2

Posted by Jaime Luna on Oct 19, 2020 9:45:00 AM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary by highlighting inspirational leaders and activists. This week's highlights include Jacinda Ardern, Margaret Atwood, Mariana Costa, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Helena Morrissey, Michelle Obama, Gloria Steinem, and Greta Thunberg. 

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Topics: Leadership, Women, Career, Awards, Community, Leader, Women in STEM, Networking, Professional, Connect, Inspiration, Role Models, Leaders, Impact, Mentor, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, 20 Inspirational Leaders

20 Inspirational Leaders - Week 1

Posted by Jaime Luna on Oct 12, 2020 8:30:00 AM

Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary with 20 stories of inspirational women in Academia. This week's highlights include Namandjé Bumpus, Irene Ghobrial, Jane Goodall, Anita Hill, JoAnn E. Manson, and Catherine Snow. 

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Topics: Leadership, Women, Career, Awards, Community, Leader, Women in STEM, Networking, Professional, Connect, Inspiration, Role Models, Leaders, Impact, Mentor, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, 20 Inspirational Leaders

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