We all strive for a state of life where our work-life balance is perfect, we feel rested, and fulfilled. We might even have a vision of what this perfect balance looks like. Yet we all struggle to reach this balance. Why can’t we achieve this perfect balance? One reason is that it's the wrong question. Balance implies equal time or a consistent, static state. Our lives are far too complex and changeable to be able to find one right answer on how to honor all of our commitments.
Exploring & Setting Boundaries to Reduce Your Stress & Increase Your Confidence
Topics: Workshop, Insight, New Opportunities, #WESTevent, goals, Growth, Boundaries
Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Transitions, Career, Awards, Community, Giving Back, Work Life Balance, Resilience, Entrepreneurship, Network, Giving, Job, negotiation, Leader, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Connect, Balance, Inspiration, Role Models, Delegation, Developing Your Skills, Volunteer, Board of Directors, Confidence, Leaders, Book Club, Impact, Career Development, New Opportunities, Mentor, Inclusion, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, Grow
Celebrating WEST's 20th Anniversary with 20 stories of impact. This week's stories are from Chesley Chen, Maria Lalioti, Joseph Lehar, Anna Li, Enith Morillo, Makeda M, Liz O'Day, and Elizabeth Wu.
Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Transitions, Career, Awards, Community, Giving Back, Work Life Balance, Resilience, Entrepreneurship, Network, Giving, Job, negotiation, Leader, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Connect, Balance, Inspiration, Role Models, Delegation, Developing Your Skills, Volunteer, Board of Directors, Confidence, Leaders, Book Club, Impact, Career Development, New Opportunities, Mentor, Inclusion, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, 20th Anniversary, Grow
How to Transform Conflict into a Catalyst for Growth
Conflict is caring
You know it’s time to polish your resume if you don’t care enough to voice your frustrations. Or call out the cognitive disconnect. Or make your case for a different approach. Personally and professionally, we tend to treat conflict as a negative event. But if someone cares enough to state their disagreement, that means they are invested in the outcome. Conflict only arises in situations where participants care enough about the subject to question whether the means best serve the ends.
Topics: Women in STEM, Workshop, Upcoming Events, Emotional Intelligence, Developing Your Skills, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution, Feedback, Career Development, Influence Without Authority, #WESTevent, Women in Business, Be Fearless, Be Brave
EQ: How to use neuroscience for a successful career & excellent life
Regardless of your current LinkedIn title, you are the CEO of your career.
What is the #1 indicator of leadership potential?
EQ: Emotional intelligence
Daniel Goleman literally wrote the book on emotional intelligence. In his renowned 2004 Harvard Business Review article, ‘What Makes a Leader,’ he explained:
‘Most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. It’s not that IQ and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but mainly as “threshold capabilities”; that is, they are the entry-level requirements for executive positions. But my research, along with other recent studies, clearly shows that emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership. Without it, a person can have the best training in the world, an incisive, analytical mind, and an endless supply of smart ideas, but he still won’t make a great leader.'
But wait, it gets better.
Topics: Events, Leadership, Science, Career, Inspire, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Emotional Intelligence, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, Be Fearless, Be Brave
Learn more about past events listed below
5/15: Finding your Voice Among all the Chatter
6/12: How to Inspire, Advocate and Grow During Change
6/20: Building Your Company Culture and Developing Your People
Topics: Events, Best Practices, STEM, Women, Boston, Tech, Science, Career, Communication, Community, Panel, Cambridge, Network, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Innovation, Biotech, Discussion, Interactive, Change, Lessons Learned, Connect, Management, Developing Your Skills, Leaders, Own It, Advocate, Diversity, #WESTevent, Change Management, #WESTorg, Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture
Rewire your mind by reprogramming your body
Neuroscience has proven that learning is not just a mental process. We use our whole body to learn.
Our cerebral activities have physiological counterpoints. Our posture, energy and stamina reflect our mental states. It’s no coincidence that the nervous system, manager of our unconscious bodily functions like breath and digestion, offers the greatest insight on our conscious thoughts and mental status.
Topics: Events, Women, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Connect, Leaders, Own It, Learn, Advocate, #WESTevent, Voice
Topics: Events, Women, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, negotiation, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Connect, Management, Compensation, Leaders, Own It, Learn, Advocate, #WESTevent, Equity Management, Intellectual Property (IP)
Managing Up: Balance being a solid contributor and team player with self-advocacy and personal advancement
Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Success, Network, negotiation, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Relationships, Biotech, Interactive, Change, Connect, Influence, Management, Leading Ourselves, Developing Your Skills, Self-Awareness, Support, Conflict Resolution, Leaders, Impact, Career Development, Influence Without Authority, Own It, Empowerment, Learn, Advocate
2019-Q1 Post Event Tips: Advocating for Yourself at Work
Do you think you deserve a higher salary in the job offer? Are you aiming to score that promotion this year? Frustrated by the growing workload and the dwindling resources? Couldn’t get to agreement with your team about project deliverables and timelines? Regardless of your role, we negotiate everyday. And these difficult conversations always wrack our nerves. WEST’s first workshop in 2019 by Amy Rebecca Gay provided a framework and practical tools to help us navigate self-advocacy and increase effectiveness in negotiation.
Topics: Gender Balance, Network, negotiation, Workshop, Networking, Relationships, Tools, Developing Your Skills, Compensation, Empowerment