Come one, come all! WEST invites you to join us for our 2018 Summer Series! Every Wednesday night in June, WEST offers the opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals to build your career toolbox by implementing the skills that instill confidence in your ability to advance your own opportunity for success. Our Career Possibilities and Career Management events provide opportunities for personalized feedback including an individual assessment to self-reflect and build upon your strengths, motivations and individual interests. The series is $75 for members. Not a member yet? For $175, you can get the series and an annual WEST membership. Can’t make it to the whole series? You can register for just one or two of the events. Isn't it time to invest in yourself so that you can maximize your professional self? We hope you will join us for a month of empowerment and mentorship!
Career Possibilities and Speed Networking Night
June 6, 2018, 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Do you want to define your value proposition, explore career possibilities, and be inspired by people who have used their science and technical training to advance their careers in different directions? Join us for WEST’s Annual Career Possibilities Event. The evening will start with facilitated networking, so you can meet the other attendees and panelists. This will be followed by a panel discussion to learn more about each panelist and their key lessons learned. Then you will have the opportunity to break into small groups and talk with the different panelists.
Career Management for Today's Work Environment
June 13, 2018, 6:00 - 8:30 PM
The world of work is dramatically changing; the impacts of globalization and technology, for example, have led to a shift in the paradigm defining our careers. Effective career management accounts for this reality and requires an understanding of your own interests, values, skills as well as your options. While organizations can lend support and resources, it is largely up to each of us to own and be intentional about the development of our careers. This workshop will give you the opportunity to take stock of your career preferences, motives, drivers and interests through an online assessment you will take prior to the workshop. During our time together you will receive your individual assessment results and explore the implications for your career with a supportive group of peers. You will leave with energy, ideas to implement and a roadmap for next steps in managing your career.
Career Coaching Circles
June 20, 2018, 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Coaching circles adapt the principles and methods of individual coaching and apply them to small, intentional groups. They set the stage for peer to peer coaching facilitated by trained and qualified professional coaches offering women a supportive and motivating environment to connect through meaningful conversations. Participants develop a set of peer coaching skills in addition to benefiting from professional coaching, and are often preferred by people who learn well in small groups. Join us to establish new relationships, enhance leadership skills and talents, and develop in an area that is a current challenge. We will do three 30 minute sessions. Some of the table topics will be preset and some will be based on ideas submitted when people register to attend.
LinkedIn & Networking: Your Reputation Precedes You
June 27, 2018, 6:00 - 8:30 PM
With increasing recruitment and professional networking activity online, we are often not aware when we make our first impression on someone new. For this reason, it is critical to be engaged and well-connected - to optimize our online presence and to make the most of the tools available. In this workshop, we will focus on effective utilization of LinkedIn, as well as review how marketing principles like search engine optimization (SEO) and brand differentiation apply to job seekers, influencers, and even passive industry professionals. Discussion topics will include tips for creating a strong online presence & LinkedIn profile, as well as your Google results, and the strategy around consistency in networking - both online and in-person.