Ever wished you could be the type of person that people take notice of when you walk into a meeting? You know the scenario…. the room hushes, heads turn expectantly towards the door, and there is an electric aura of expectation for what will come next. Or maybe you would like to be the person whose ideas are still being talked about long after the meeting has ended. Well, guess what…. it IS possible to become THAT person. Learn how to be the influencer, rather than the influenced!
On November 8th, WEST is hosting a workshop on “Developing Presence”. Workshop attendees will learn, first hand, what they can do to (1) create powerfully positive first impressions and (2) leave impressions that last long after the meeting has ended. Participants will hear tactics on how to enhance their body language and their verbal presence in order to consistently deliver messages with impact that is remembered. Attendees will also discover tricks for how to make special connections with others – after all, it is the personal connections that help create positive and vibrant memories.
Polishing our skills in the area of developing a presence can have tremendous impact on our careers and our personal lives. It doesn’t matter whether the interaction is formal or informal, unfamiliar or friendly, with an individual or a room full of people, with peers or a boss or a workgroup – impressions are always being made.
Come and join our community of women in STEM where you will connect with many like-minded individuals for a fun and inspiring evening. Discover how to be confident in creating a presence to be proud of.
WESTorg.org; Women in the Enterprise of Science and Technology; #ScienceWomen #WomeninSTEM