Have you ever heard the old adage, “It takes a village to raise a child?” Well it doesn’t stop there. It also takes a “village” to build a career. Your career.
There is a Chinese term, Guan Xi, which translates to “the Chinese form of networking that is built up from family, village and clan kinship. In Chinese business and life in general, the maintenance of face and cordial Guan Xi are prerequisites in ensuring that networks operate smoothly and reliably.”
I think Guan Xi applies directly to how you can build a network to build your career in our tiny village called Boston. Professionally, what I have learned is that we (for the most part) are an open network of people, willing to help, share, and connect with each other. This is what I think makes our village so vibrant, innovative, and a great place to work.
But, it all starts with building a network and making it your own.
In keeping with this year’s WEST theme, “Own it: Empowering Your Career and Your Life”, WEST will be hosting our Annual Networking Night on July 31, 2018 to help you build your own network to build your career.
Networking can be very intimidating for many folks - including me! What makes the WEST Annual Networking Night so special is that we provide a safe, relaxed, and fun environment to practice your networking skills, pick up a few new tools, meet some really nice people, and make connections that can help you build your career over the long run. I hope you can make it!