Join Katie Donovan to learn pragmatic approaches to achieving pay equity, from both sides of the compensation negotiation process.
On July 1, 2018, the Act to Establish Pay Equity, amending G.L. c.149, §105A (MA Pay Equity Law) went into effect in Massachusetts. For women and other systematically underpaid groups, the MA Pay Equity Law is the biggest thing since the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act sliced some equality bread back in 2009.
The MA Pay Equity Law forbids employers from asking about salary history. The law enables women and other minorities to escape the cycle of underpayment resulting from systemic and unconscious bias. The law also means that the lower salary you accepted for that dream job at a startup that didn't make it can't be used to lowball you down road.
Katie Donovan, a pay equity expert, drafted the original provision for the MA Pay Equity Law. In doing so, Donovan started a movement that has since taken hold in 12 other states and 10 localities. Through her business, Equal Pay Negotiations, Donovan continues to work for pay equity by providing consulting and education on pay equity, salary negotiations, unconscious bias, hiring practices and related topics.
Join WEST on Wednesday, March 13 for the WESTevent Both Sides of Negotiating Equal Pay. In the workshop, Donovan will examine both sides of the compensation negotiation process and provide pragmatic approaches to achieve pay equity.
Don't forget to bring your business cards, because, as with all WESTevents, there will facilitated and open networking.