You look back on the year and you nailed it. All of it. You checked every box and made every milestone. Graduated with honors. Got that dream job. Finally took that vacation paid for with the raise that came with your promotion. So why does it seem like you forgot something? Like the puzzle is missing a piece?
Maybe your definition of success of didn’t account for the factors in your new situation like the culture of your new office or new city? Maybe you’re realizing that you’ve been taking others’ word for it on the standards and definition, because you were entering uncharted territory? Maybe in January you couldn’t have known how profoundly an unexpected event would alter your world view?
“I want to define success by redefining it. For me, it isn’t that solely mythical definition—glamour, allure, power of wealth and the privilege from care. Any definition of success should be personal because it’s so transitory. It’s about shaping my own destiny.”
—Dame Anita Roddick, DBE
Like a year-end inventory of your mind, evaluating your definition of success will help you wrap up 2018 and invigorate your New Year’s goal setting. Join us at the December 5th WEST event, Redefining Success, to check the alignment of your values with your goals.