WEST Wisdom Blog

(Almost) Nothing Ventured, Much to Be Gained

Posted by Courtney Cyron on Sep 4, 2024 5:14:26 PM

“The returns are actually better when you invest in women,” says the movie Show Her The Money. If that’s so true, then why are women-founded startups only receiving 2% (or less) of invested venture capital dollars each year? Women innovators introduced the electric dishwasher, central gas heating, the medical syringe, bullet-proof fiber (Kevlar), and the list goes on. How much better could our world be if more women-founded startups were getting  equal investment funding?

That’s the question that the documentary “Show Her The Money” sets out to answer. The film highlights the amazing insight and innovation that women create every year. “Women are brilliant, they have so many game-changing ideas that could help save the planet, environment, cures; they need to be funded,” says Catherine Gray, one of the producers of the film. 

WEST is thrilled to be hosting an exclusive screening of the film. Following the screening, we’ll dive into a panel discussion featuring several celebrities from the film. The panel will feature: Marian Leitner, Founder of Archer Roose Wine, and Boston Local, Wendy Ryan, Author of “Learn Lead Lift: How to Think, Act, and Inspire Your Way to Greatness,” and CEO of Kadabra, both featured in the film, and Sacha Mann, CEO, Company Builder, a Cambridge local, and Venture Capital Investor in a few women-led life sciences companies.

This star-studded event is a full evening of enlightenment. The evening will start with a brief welcome and networking period, a chance for everyone attending to get comfy with some pizza, hand-selected candy options, refillable drink cups with multiple drink options including wine. At 5:45 PM, we’ll dim the lights and dive into the movie that will inspire and empower us all. Once the lights come back up, attendees will get the chance to hear from the celebrity-filled panel of women who will share from their experience as founders and investors. 

The fact is in 2021, $345.4 billion were invested in venture capital. An average of 2% of that is all that went to women-founded startups; that’s only $6.9 billion. “You have one chance to make a lasting impression,” says Sacha Mann of “Show Her The Money” and event panelist. “Venture Capitalists typically receive 500 to 1000 pitches per year..it’s critical to target the right investors and make a good impression.” With such a small window of opportunity and such few dollars going to women, the venture capital industry is ready to see some major shifts. Show Her The Money is the movie that hopes to push progress in gender equality in venture capital to a whole new level. 

“This event is a true reality check of how things are for these inspiring women leaders. They are trying to get their ideas to fruition despite the challenges that they’ve been faced with and had to overcome,” says WEST Board President Karin von Hodenberg. With such an important topic, and so many world-changing ideas at stake, this is an event that can’t be missed. This isn’t just a documentary, it’s “a movie that touches on your heartstrings. There’s real life stories,” says Dawn LaFreeda, one of the investors and producers of the film, for KCAL News. What could be possible if we got to know these real women, their stories, and supported their missions? The only way we’ll ever know is if we Show Her The Money.

2024-09-05 2x1-3


SHTM Quotes



Movie Details, Press Quotes

2021 VC Investment Stats

Topics: Leadership, Panel, Women in STEM, Business, Inspiration, Gender Pay Gap, Compensation, Career Possibilities, Advocate, Diversity, #WESTevent, Women in Business, Life Science VC, Venture Capital/VC, Gender Parity, Conversations

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