WEST Wisdom Blog

Grit, Growth, Gratitude: Empowering Women

Posted by Courtney Cyron on Aug 15, 2024 3:56:03 PM

2024-2025 Annual Theme Blog Post 2x1In the ever-evolving landscape of our careers, women continue to break barriers, shatter glass ceilings, and pave the way for future generations. The journey of a woman is often marked by three powerful principles: grit, growth, and gratitude. These tenets not only define our personal and professional journeys but also empower us to make significant contributions to the world of science and technology. These are the defining reasons WEST has selected Grit, Growth, Gratitude as our annual theme for 2024-2025. 


Grit is the backbone of perseverance and resilience. It’s the unwavering determination to push forward in the face of adversity. For women, grit means tackling challenges head-on, whether it’s overcoming gender bias, securing funding, or balancing work and personal life. Our stories of success are often intertwined with moments of struggle, but it is grit that fuels our progress. By embracing our inner strength and staying committed to our goals, we inspire those around us and drive scientific innovation.


Growth is an ongoing process of learning and self-improvement. In science and technology, growth is not just about accumulating knowledge but also about evolving as individuals and as leaders. For women, this means seeking out opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and continuous education. It’s about embracing new technologies, methodologies, and perspectives that can enhance our thinking and broaden our horizons. Growth is also about lifting others as we climb, fostering an inclusive and supportive community that nurtures the next generation of women.


Gratitude is the recognition and appreciation of the support and opportunities that have shaped our journeys. It’s about acknowledging the mentors, colleagues, and institutions that have believed in us and provided the support, guidance and advocacy we needed to succeed. For WEST, gratitude also means giving back to the community that has empowered us. Whether it’s through mentorship, advocacy, or outreach, showing gratitude helps us build stronger networks and creates a positive cycle of support and empowerment.

Looking Ahead

As a WEST community, we embody the principles of grit, growth, and gratitude every day. These values not only define our paths but also inspire others to pursue their dreams in the face of challenges. By fostering a culture that celebrates perseverance, encourages continuous learning, and values support, we can create a more inclusive and dynamic community.

Let us continue to champion these principles and support one another on our journeys. Together, we can make monumental strides across science, technology as well as many other industries/functions, and leave a lasting legacy for future generations of women. Grit, Growth, Gratitude — let these words guide us as we push the boundaries of what is possible and empower each other to achieve greatness.

Topics: Announcements, Community, Annual Theme, Inspiration, Career Development, #WESTorg, Grit, Identity, Growth, Gratitude, Grit, Growth, Gratitude

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