WEST Wisdom Blog

Looking For Career Change Support? Look No Further!

Posted by Courtney Cyron on Sep 23, 2024 3:54:42 PM

2024-09-25 2x1-1Discovering a career that you love sometimes takes a direct path. We’ve all read at least one story of someone who knew they wanted to work in a particular field from a very young age, spent their years pursuing that dream, and found success and happiness having achieved that dream. Unfortunately, 75% of people experience a quarter life crisis, questioning their career path, by the time they are 33. Additionally, Stanford Psychologist Laura Carstensen reveals that, based on her studies, the perfect age to start a career is around 40. According to one study, the average person will change careers 5-7 times throughout their lifetime. 

With a variety of life circumstances and opportunities that lead to career changes, WEST and Gilead Sciences have partnered to offer the Career Possibilities Panel & Speed Networking Series. This series’ goal is to present a panel of STEM professionals from specific STEM niches that will share the day-to-day happenings of their positions. They are also happy to share more details about their background, education, and career path, including insight and advice to those seeking careers in the same niche. 

If we’re spending a third (or more) of our day, five days a week at work, we should at least enjoy our work, right? WEST thinks so! The Career Possibilities Panel & Speed Networking series allows attendees to learn about a STEM niche before diving into a career to help them better understand how that career could be a good fit for them. In each event, the panel discussion is followed by a networking period. This networking period allows attendees to network with other STEM professionals, as well as with the panelists. This time is about being able to better understand the industry and meet others on the same career journey. 

This series focuses on a specific niche for each event, touching on all areas of the STEM industries. Our next event will be focusing on AI & Computational Science. This niche will be represented by panelists: Maria Moya of Boston University, Tanya Cashorali of TCB Analytics, Catherine Lefebvre of Open Quantum Institute at Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator, and Eleanor Howe, who will be moderating, of Diamond Age Data Science. Join WEST and this amazing panel of leading STEM ladies to learn more about AI & Computational Science careers on September 25, 2024 from 6:00-7:30 PM ET. You just might find a career path that you’ll love!


 LinkedIn, New LinkedIn Research Shows 75 Percent of 25-33 Year Olds Have Experienced Quarter-Life Crises. Nov. 15, 2017.
 LinkedIn, Perfect Age to Start a New Career. Jan. 13, 2022. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/perfect-age-start-full-time-career-techwaukee/
 Andrei Kurtuy, Novoresume. 60+ Career Change Statistics for 2024 [That You Didn’t Know]. Sep. 9, 2024. https://novoresume.com/career-blog/career-change-statistics#:~:text=Stats%20on%20Number%20of%20Jobs%20in%20a%20Lifetime,-The%20average%20person&text=The%20average%20person%20will%20change,change%20jobs%20every%2012%20months.

Topics: Leadership, Career, Community, Panel, Network, Networking, Career Path, Developing Your Skills, Computing, Career Development, Career Possibilities, Empowerment, Advice, #WESTevent, Grow, Academia, Clarity, Growth

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