Topics: Events, Gender Balance, STEM, Gender Balance, Women, Boston, Career, Community, Work Life Balance, Life, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Discussion, Financial, Interactive, Equal Pay, Change, unConference, Economics, Female
The Economics of Being Female: Set Your Own Agenda
We know that many women draw the short straw when it comes to money: lower wages, slower career progression, outrageous child care costs, costly clothes, ridiculous dress codes, health care, etc. We also know that many women find themselves at the end of their working careers with little financial security.
What are the underlying economic reasons for these unfair outcomes for women who are working hard to both support their families and promote their careers?
Topics: Events, Women, Career, Community, Upcoming Events, Discussion, Resources, Interactive, Equal Pay, Change, unConference, Economics, Solutions, Female
Topics: Events, Women, Science, Career, Community, Networking, Upcoming Events, Relationships, Biotech, Discussion, Industry
Now through December only! Huge member discount for WEST workshops.
Thanks to a very generous donor we are able to offer our members a special discounted rate for workshops through December - workshops will cost only $20 for members, a savings of $30 per event off the non-member rate. Join now and you will quickly cover your annual membership costs while opening the door to our exclusive member-only events.
Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Life, Networking, You, Discount, Membership, Upcoming Events
Your career needs to be managed strategically and proactively - it does not just happen. Even though good luck, the right network and wicked smarts help, YOU are the only one who can set the direction. WEST’s programming theme this year has been specifically designed to help women in science and technology think about your career advancement strategically and develop your own plan for execution.
Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Work Life Balance, Life, Cambridge, Networking, You, Annual Theme
Are you looking for an opportunity to network and hobnob with local senior leaders? If so, this is THE event for you. Enjoy a light breakfast accompanied by lots of conversation with Emily Reichert, CEO of Greentown Labs and Chesley Chen, CEO of Safety Partners, Inc. Registration will be limited to a maximum of 20 participants to ensure an intimate experience.
Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Network, CEO, Networking
Tips for Maximizing the Value of Your Compensation and Benefits Package
In today’s competitive market for talent, many employers are offering attractive compensation and benefits packages. In addition to salary, bonus, and equity compensation, “softer” benefits like expanded maternity leave, flexible schedules, and wellness programs are becoming more common.
Topics: Events, Financial Planning, Wealth Management, Career, Cambridge
The Choice is Yours: Tools for Transforming Your Career and Life
Feeling stuck or passed over, yet knowing that you can achieve more? Feeling powerless or without choices, yet you are doing it all “right”? Is fear and doubt holding you back even as you try to rise above?
Kimberly Napier will share her own personal, powerful wake-up experience while a leader in corporate America. Now coach to powerhouse women in Boston as well as around the globe, she is passionate about helping women rise above negative inner dialogue, become their own biggest advocate, and find resilience and happiness. Learn from Kimberly’s interactions with hundreds of women as a professional coach.
Come join the WEST community for an exercise-filled evening and walk away with new techniques and tools to achieve who you want to be.
Topics: Events, Women, Career, Life, Choice, Resilience, Success
Come Lunch, Laugh, and Bust the Bad Moms Myth
Wishing you could handle the work-life balance with this much finesse?
Wearing yourself out with perfect execution of your job and both the second (often simultaneous) shift at home? Wearing yourself out even trying? Feeling like you can't succeed in your career and be a "good mom and partner"?
Come join us at lunch time (you have to take time to eat anyway!) to learn some tips and tricks for your work-life balance and hear and share some good stories while doing it! You will walk away with at least 1 idea you can implement immediately.
Topics: Events, Women, Career, Work Life Balance, Inspire, Mom
Negotiating Your Compensation Package: Financial Strategies for Professional Transitions
Are you planning a career change? Thinking of jumping to a competitor? Has a recruiter contacted you about a new job opportunity? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will need to have a strategy in place to negotiate the best possible compensation package for yourself.
Topics: Events, Women, Financial Planning, Wealth Management, Transitions, Career, negotiation