Have you ever sat through a really boring technical presentation? Did you have trouble following the speaker because he or she didn’t explain the “so what” and “why”? Did you have to squint to read a barrage of boring bullet points that the speaker read to you word for word? Did you almost fall asleep or wish you could walk out without being rude?
How to Present Technical Information so People Will Understand, Care, and Remember
Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Communication, Community, Presentation, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Biotech, Connect, Developing Your Skills, Storytelling, Waltham, Engage
Courage – the key to leading yourself with confidence
Topics: Events, Leadership, STEM, Women, Career, Community, Life, Resilience, Cambridge, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Lead, Leading Ourselves, Emotional Intelligence, Developing Your Skills, Self-Awareness, Empathy