The days of spending your entire career at one organization, or on a linear career path are long gone. We can’t all be doctor-astronaut-business leaders like Dr. Mae Jemison. But you can leverage your STEM and industry expertise to make the leap from a linear career. Hop the single-track and explore the multi-faceted web of STEM enterprise. You’ve probably already been building the net unconsciously.
Diana K. Anderson

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The STEM-Business Fusion: How to Turbo-Boost Your Career
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How to Negotiate: 3 Mindsets that Win Every Time
Your SOP mindset is crucial
You negotiate every day. Sometimes it’s big stuff. The contract for a new client. The compensation package for your new job. Smaller, daily negotiations also exert a substantial cumulative impact. How you feel before and throughout the negotiation process effects more than the outcome. The emotions elicited by anything you do daily are key factors in how you experience the world.
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There’s no such thing as a rocket scientist
No one person is capable of understanding all the science necessary to launch a rocket into space. Rocket science is a group effort. A collaboration of scientists. They may start the project focused on the components relevant to their specific expertise. But the rocket literally cannot get off the ground until all those technical experts pool their specialist knowledge to make the components into a functional system.
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STEM careers aren't linear, they're multi-faceted
Today’s STEM careers are anything but linear and predictable
Investment firms recruit doctors and statisticians to manage health care and quantitative funds. Dr. Mayim Bialik, neuroscientist, has a leading role on The Big Bang Theory. And these days, especially in STEM fields, it seems like everyone has a side hustle that could be just about to go big time. Or, they’re sitting board members for their favorite non-profit.
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How to make your big idea happen: Make it irresistible
Your Career = Your Business. Regardless of industry, at some point, moving forward will requiring marketing your business-of-one.
In STEM fields, entrepreneurs don’t have a monopoly on ‘selling’ ideas. As the CEO of your career, you are your best advocate. In life and career, eventually we all find ourselves pitching a new concept. Maybe you need to explain your science to prospective investors. Or, you’re going for that grant. Or you want to present your paper at a conference.
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How to interrupt the implicit bias feedback loop
It’s impossible not to have implicit bias—and that doesn’t make you a bad person.
Just a human being. Also known as unconscious bias, it is exactly that, unconscious. You’re not aware of it. We’ve been talking about unconscious bias for a while now; but being aware of the concept is only the first step. Only after acknowledging that we all have implicit bias, can you disrupt it. And unpacking implicit bias is like brushing your teeth. You’ll need to keep doing it for the rest of your life; but staying on top of it makes it easier and far more effective.
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Imposter syndrome: 3 oxymorons that will destroy it now
#1‒Even the origin of imposter syndrome highlights its inherent contradiction
Imposter syndrome was originally identified by on Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes’ 5-year study that describes its 150 subjects as ‘high achieving women’ with ‘outstanding academic and professional accomplishments’. The only way for imposter syndrome to present is the context of its inherent contradiction.
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Fearless ≠ No fear
Fearless = Not constrained by fear
Fear is a survival mechanism. We need fear. Fear is an evolutionary force that pushes you forward. It’s denying fear that holds us back. At its root, fear often revolves around the possibility of losing something we value. That may be something we already have or something that we aspire to.
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How to be brave and be the boss of your career
Your career is your business. A successful business model is an intentional implementation of vision—not a reactionary fix.
Unlike an organization, your vision is not set in stone. Being a business of one makes you nimble and adaptable. Being human means that the only thing you can’t do is stay the same.
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