March is here, bringing with it an opportunity to honor, celebrate, and elevate the extraordinary contributions of women in STEM. At WEST, Women’s History Month is more than a tribute to the past—it’s a call to action for the future. WEST’s annual theme this year of Grit, Growth, and Gratitude highlights the attributes that fuel the journeys of women in STEM and beyond.
Grit, Growth, and Gratitude: Celebrating Women’s History Month with WEST
Topics: Women in STEM, Annual Theme, Career Path, Confidence, D&I, Female Representation STEM, International Women's Day, Women's History Month, Strong Women, Grit, Growth, Gratitude
WEST is an organization focused on supporting women in the equal pursuit of careers in the STEM industries. We are grateful to these amazing ‘Guys Who Get It’ who not only voice their support of equality for women in the STEM industries, but are an integral part of achieving that mission through the WEST organization.
Topics: Gender Balance, STEM, STEM, Gender Balance, Communication, Community, #MemberSpotlight, Member Spotlight, Collaboration, Values, Impact, Organizational Culture, D&I, STEM Women, Ally, Allyship, Growth
WEST is thrilled to have such a diverse community of STEM professionals. We are honored to be able to highlight several leading STEM women as part of our Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebration. You won’t want to miss this panel discussion featuring API trailblazers who will be sharing about their experiences, current positions, and advice they have for those of similar backgrounds with goals of making contributions through work in STEM industries. For a little preview, see our Q&A session with panelist Crystal Shih Byers below!
Topics: Leadership, STEM, Career, Panel, Culture, Industry, Role Models, Career Path, Inclusion, Diversity, #WESTevent, D&I, STEM Women
Hispanic Women Leading the Way in STEM Industries
September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month. The WEST community is proud to be diverse and support female STEM careers and female leadership within STEM industries for women of all backgrounds. There are many, many amazing Hispanic female leaders in the STEM industries. Below are a few profiles of Hispanic women that have made major contributions to the STEM industries and are great role models for up-and-coming female STEM leaders looking for experiences they can relate to.
Topics: Leadership, Career, Community, Inspire, Culture, Inspiration, Role Models, Leaders, Career Possibilities, Empowerment, Inclusion, Diversity, D&I, STEM Women, STEM Leadership
Empowering Women & Amplifying Their Voices to Advance Women's STEM Careers
We find ourselves at a pivotal point in history. In many ways the world is questioning whether or not to empower women to fulfill their potential. Empowered women bring a variety of skills and perspectives to the table that should be equally valued. When we amplify the voices of women who are sharing discoveries, ideas, and support, true success is a given. These women’s voices shout from the rooftops that women deserve a seat at the table, every table.
Topics: STEM, Announcements, Career, Community, Life, Inspire, Culture, Annual Theme, Making a Difference, Inspiration, Self-Awareness, Confidence, Impact, Career Development, Empowerment, Inclusion, Self-Reflection, Diversity, Corporate Culture, D&I, Equity, Identity, Ally, Strong Women
STEM Women in the LGBTQ+ Community Working Towards a Stronger World
The LGBTQ+ Community has always been part of every community. There are scientists, researchers, project managers, clinical trial leaders and participants, technology developers, computer scientists, and more who are incredible parts of the STEM community that are also members of the LGBTQ+ community. These amazing people are making groundbreaking discoveries, changing our world for the better, and founding some of the most supportive organizations. Check out just a few of the amazing women below who are the perfect example of these communities coming together and how they are helping to build stronger science and a stronger world one day at a time.
Topics: Community, Inspire, Culture, Innovation, Influence, Inspiration, Confidence, Career Possibilities, Empowerment, Inclusion, Diversity, D&I, 20 Inspirational Leaders, Identity, LGBTQIA+, Ally, Allyship
The month of May celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. WEST's 2022-2023 annual theme is "Strong Women, Strong Science, Strong World," and these women are a perfect example that science knows no geographic or gender-based bounds. Women of Asian and Pacific Islander descent have made, and are currently making huge strides in their fields of study, and are part of the development and discoveries that are constantly changing our world for the better. These are just a few of the innumerable women of Asian or Pacific Islander heritage that have made a huge impact on our world.
Topics: Leadership, Gender Balance, STEM, Gender Balance, Community, Inspiration, Career Path, Gender Pay Gap, Confidence, Career Possibilities, Diversity, D&I, Gender Parity, Hiring Women in STEM
Preposterous Stigmas Resulting in Mental Health Epidemic for Women in STEM
Mental health struggles can happen to anyone. Being in a negative situation for too long is bound to have its effects, and sometimes it takes a lot of work to undo that damage. In many cases, mental health struggles are a result of one specific situation, or a toxic boss or co-worker, something easy to pinpoint. In STEM, that can be true, but even more so, women have seen a higher rate of mental health struggles because of more industry-wide issues. There’s still a stigma, in some places, that women don’t belong in STEM professions or that women are not going to be as smart or as well-educated as men.
Topics: Gender Balance, STEM, STEM, Gender Balance, Communication, Community, Choice, Resilience, Mentoring, Coaching, Culture, Networking, Discussion, Mindfulness, Change, Collaboration, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Empathy, Gender Pay Gap, Confidence, Challenges, Career Development, Empowerment, Mentor, Inclusion, Diversity, Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture, D&I, Gender Parity, Equity, STEM Women, STEM Leadership, Female Representation STEM, Hiring Women in STEM, Strong Women
Women's Past Progress Continues To Encourage Future Progress
In 1920, women earned the right to vote. In 1963,
congress passed the Equal Pay Act of 1963, protecting women from being paid a lower rate than men for substantially similar work. As part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it became illegal to discriminate in employment based on race, sex, color, religion, and national origin. It’s now 2023 and women have been making progress towards equality in the workplace for over 100 years now. While there’s still room for major improvements, women have come a long way in the workplace.
Topics: Gender Balance, STEM, STEM, Gender Balance, Women, Career, Women in STEM, Annual Theme, Equal Pay, Change, Making a Difference, Gender Pay Gap, Challenges, Career Development, Organizational Culture, D&I, Gender Parity, Equity, Organizational Change, STEM Women, STEM Leadership, Female Representation STEM, Hiring Women in STEM, International Women's Day, Women's History Month, Strong Women, Strong World
A Conversation on Supporting Women in STEM, and How Returning to the Office is Impacting Marginalized Identities
Recently, YW Boston collaborated with WEST (Women in the Enterprise of Science and Technology), a Boston-based learning community that provides a powerful forum and supportive environment for early and mid-career women in STEM. Both organizations work at the intersection of race and gender and seek to uplift women and women of color. In a recent Zoom call, YW Boston President and CEO, Beth Chandler, was interviewed by Elena Spencer, Vice President of WEST’s Board of Directors. In the candid conversation, Beth and Elena discussed various topics, including how to support women in STEM, YW Boston’s Parity on Board, and returning to the office.
Topics: Leadership, Community, #MemberSpotlight, Career Development, D&I, Business Development, Female Representation STEM