There are so many questions we can ask about trust. How can teams increase effectiveness through building trust? What skills are needed to build trust? What about virtual teams? During WEST's 10/14 webinar with Laurie Bohn, you will engage in an interactive, virtual dialogue about building trust within your team and across your network.
Topics: Leadership, Women, Team, Career, Women in STEM, Upcoming Events, Interactive, Trust, Developing Your Skills, #WESTevent, #WESTorg, Webinar
Learn more about past events listed below
5/15: Finding your Voice Among all the Chatter
6/12: How to Inspire, Advocate and Grow During Change
6/20: Building Your Company Culture and Developing Your People
Topics: Events, Best Practices, STEM, Women, Boston, Tech, Science, Career, Communication, Community, Panel, Cambridge, Network, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Innovation, Biotech, Discussion, Interactive, Change, Lessons Learned, Connect, Management, Developing Your Skills, Leaders, Own It, Advocate, Diversity, #WESTevent, Change Management, #WESTorg, Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture
Managing Up: Balance being a solid contributor and team player with self-advocacy and personal advancement
Topics: Events, Leadership, Women, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Success, Network, negotiation, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Relationships, Biotech, Interactive, Change, Connect, Influence, Management, Leading Ourselves, Developing Your Skills, Self-Awareness, Support, Conflict Resolution, Leaders, Impact, Career Development, Influence Without Authority, Own It, Empowerment, Learn, Advocate
Negotiating-while-Womaning: How to Own It and Smash Social Stigmas
It was an early October WEST event. Dr. Amy Rebecca Gay had just started her presentation on self-advocacy and negotiating-while-womaning. I wasn’t expecting the rip tide surge of emotion. It barely touched the surface, but it took the room underwater with a collective two-beat sigh, an almost visible miasma of bang-your-head-against-the-wall frustration. Dr. Gay had just explained Dr. Hannah Riley Bowles’ observation that women pay a ‘social cost’ for effectively negotiating for themselves even when the same exact behaviors and outcomes earn men respect and a social capital bonus. Insert two-beat sigh here. Innnnn, and oooooout.
Topics: Events, Women, Science, Career, Community, Interview, negotiation, Women in STEM, Networking, Biotech, Interactive, Connect, Gender Pay Gap, Compensation, Leaders, Career Development, Advocate
You look back on the year and you nailed it. All of it. You checked every box and made every milestone. Graduated with honors. Got that dream job. Finally took that vacation paid for with the raise that came with your promotion. So why does it seem like you forgot something? Like the puzzle is missing a piece?
Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Success, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Interactive, Connect, Strengths, Values, Career Development, Own It, Learn
Just as leadership is a role best executed by personal example, in The Speed of Trust, Stephen M.R. Covey explains that the foundation of trust is personal credibility, which Covey describes as the product of “Four Cores”:
- Integrity: Do your actions align with your values?
- Intents: What’s your agenda? Are you thinking about your year-end bonus or your team’s long-term success in the context of your organization’s mission?
- Capabilities: As important as what you know and how you do it, is your ability to accurately gauge your competencies and execute accordingly.
- Results: Listed last, but this really comes before everything. This is the track record that proves a person worthy of that initial trust that gets things moving.
Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Team, Science, Career, Community, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Interactive, Connect, Trust, Career Development, Influence Without Authority, Own It, Learn
Unconscious Bias – ‘fess up, recognize it, and act
We are all biased – it is a basic human trait necessary for survival so that we recognize our tribe, our peeps, and avoid the enemy. However unchecked and unconscious bias creates unfair judgements and endemic prejudice stifling opportunities for both individuals and organizations.
Unconscious or implicit bias is at play when we evaluate people and situations using our instincts developed after years of stereotyping learned from and reinforced by the society around us. When we see the color of someone’s skin, hear their voice and accent, or observe their gestures, for example, our minds quickly seek to make sense of it all by slotting them into specific profiles or roles. We have all made those mistakes!
Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Interactive, Connect, Career Development, Own It, Bias, Stereotypes, Inclusion, Self-Reflection
Biogen's WIN group is offering roundtable discussions with women from various areas of Biogen. They will be talking to female grad students and post-docs about their career paths and decision to work in industry.
Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Interactive, Connect, Career Development, Own It
Dang. Why on earth did I hesitate instead of letting the interviewer know what I wanted? And I’m not just talking about my new salary, I’m actually talking about the role, the title, and the sphere of influence that I want to have in that new job. Dang, dang, dang. I could kick myself for missing that opportunity. Now I’ll just have to settle for something less. Or will I?
Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Communication, Community, negotiation, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Interactive, Connect, Developing Your Skills, Career Development, Own It, Advocate
Ugh. Another set of sleepless nights full of anxiety getting ready for a difficult conversation. Whether the conversation involves providing feedback to a colleague or involves asking your boss for a long overdue promotion and pay raise, you just know it is going to be difficult. And stressful.
But… fear not, there REALLY ARE ways to reduce some of the anxiety.
Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Communication, Community, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Biotech, Interactive, Connect, Trust, Developing Your Skills, Challenges, Career Development, Own It