WEST Wisdom Blog

Women in STEM exploring new careers: leveraging your science and tech background to pivot into new roles

Posted by WEST Board Member on May 23, 2018 8:44:00 AM

Over our lifetimes we evolve and grow and our career needs and desires change. As your personal life brings new opportunities and joys your professional preferences change.

You may find yourself dreaming of a very different work environment from the one you have today; a new challenge where you can stretch your wings and explore new roles and leadership responsibilities.

You are probably in the science/technology field because you were good at STEM subjects at school. But you are also good at other things that may want to use and develop in your career.

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Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Panel, Cambridge, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Discussion, Lessons Learned, Connect, Values, Support, Career Development, Career Possibilities, Speed Networking

4/23 Free Panel Discussion on How a Start-up can Embrace Open Innovation with a Large Corporation

Posted by Jaime Luna on Apr 16, 2018 2:52:28 PM

Senior STEM leaders from organizations ranging from incubator to startup to large corporations will share their perspectives on the topic of open innovation and how they help their company embrace it. Key discussion points will include methods for encouraging entrepreneurial concepts, approaches for launching new companies, and how a start-up can adopt open innovation including when/how they start working with larger corporations. Learn what works well and what pitfalls to avoid. Take advantage of this event to meet and network with the movers and shakers in the local STEM ecosystem. 

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Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Communication, Community, Entrepreneurship, Panel, Cambridge, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Innovation, Biotech, Discussion, Connect, Open Innovation, Start-Up

How to Present Technical Information so People Will Understand, Care, and Remember

Posted by WEST Board Member on Apr 9, 2018 2:38:19 PM

Have you ever sat through a really boring technical presentation? Did you have trouble following the speaker because he or she didn’t explain the “so what” and “why”? Did you have to squint to read a barrage of boring bullet points that the speaker read to you word for word? Did you almost fall asleep or wish you could walk out without being rude?

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Topics: Events, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Communication, Community, Presentation, Women in STEM, Workshop, Networking, Upcoming Events, Professional, Biotech, Connect, Developing Your Skills, Storytelling, Waltham, Engage

Innovation and Entrepreneurship – two words synonymous with the Boston biotech scene.

Posted by WEST Board Member on Apr 2, 2018 3:37:27 PM

By Jo Viney, Co-founder and CSO, Pandion Therapeutics

Last summer, one of our local radio stations, WBUR, ran a feature entitled “How Boston Became 'The Best Place In The World' To Launch A Biotech Company” (WBUR, June 19th 2017). The article described the evolution of our unique infrastructure – physical, cultural and sociological – that resulted in Boston being THE place where ideas are catalyzed and made into reality. But what does it really take to be an innovator? And what characteristics are essential to becoming a successful entrepreneur?

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Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Boston, Team, Science, Career, Community, Entrepreneurship, Panel, Cambridge, Success, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Innovation, Biotech, Discussion, Lessons Learned, Inspiration, Support, Challenges, Leaders

Are you looking for an opportunity to network with senior women leaders?

Posted by WEST Board Member on Mar 27, 2018 12:52:47 PM

You probably heard about the detection of gravitational waves a couple of years ago. You know that it was a really, really important discovery, but what exactly was it and why was it important? Come learn about it from one of the most prominent scientists in Scotland, Professor Sheila Rowan, the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Scottish government. When she is  not developing equipment for detecting cosmic gravitational waves, what does Dr. Rowan advise the Scottish government on? What are the most pressing science issues in Scotland today, how do these relate to science issues facing other parts of the world, and how did she get this appointment? Come to the WEST Rockstar breakfast on April 5th and have an intimate conversation with Dr. Rowan. Maybe you want to know if she’s met the Queen. 

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Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Rockstars, Breakfast

Zoom Leadership – a tool to help with decision making

Posted by Uma Chandrasekaran on Feb 5, 2018 10:00:00 AM

In this ever-evolving fast-paced world, we are faced with decision-making at every turn of our lives and career - should I consider this opportunity for promotion within the company or do I accept this new job opportunity. Not just that, we are expected to be capable of making the best decisions at the drop of a hat. The key to making better decisions whether at work or in life is to think clearly and thoroughly. However, it is easy to be consumed by overthinking and get stuck in one point of view. Through changing your focus and considering alternative viewpoints you can rethink your strategies and arrive at a better decision.

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Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Decision Making, Focus, Insight, Author Chat, Confidence, Problem Solving

Know Your Worth – the key to negotiating your compensation package

Posted by Uma Chandrasekaran on Jan 29, 2018 10:00:00 AM

For many of us, negotiating our compensation package with a potential new employer can be a scary experience. In fact, almost 20% never negotiate their salaries. Fear and lack of confidence are the main reasons for not asking your real worth. But of the people who overcome their fear and do negotiate, many end up getting a bump close to 10%. So, learning to negotiate your compensation package is an important skill to learn.

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Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Financial Planning, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, negotiation, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Gender Pay Gap, Stock, Compensation

The Board Room – unveiling the mystery of what it takes to get there

Posted by WEST Board Member on Jan 20, 2018 5:19:24 PM
Ever wonder how the board room is different from the executive room, including what is needed to get there?   Cissy Young   at Executive Recruiting firm Russell Reynolds will share her insights and experience on board and executive recruiting. This intimate, WEST members only Q&A breakfast will help unveil the basics and the nuances of getting to the boardroom.
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Topics: Events, Leadership, STEM, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Community, Cambridge, Success, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Rockstars, Breakfast, Talent, Board of Directors

Real-life Super Heroes

Posted by WEST Board Member on Jan 11, 2018 9:44:00 AM
Meet some “Wonder Women” and “Super Men” at the WEST 10th Annual Giving Back Awards!
For most of us, working all day and managing to get dinner on the table is heroic. For others, like Sara Nochur, working all day is a prelude to fundraising that enables young children in rural India to stay in school by providing them with homes, food, and shelter. Or for Elizabeth O’Day, it’s starting a non-profit organization that recycles electronics and uses the resale profits to build computer centers in orphanages around the world. If these sound like incredible feats, it’s because they are. And yet amazing people working in our local STEM community are doing those extraordinary things, and much more. 
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Topics: Events, STEM, Women, Tech, Science, Career, Awards, Community, Giving Back, Life, Cambridge, Success, Women in STEM, Networking, Upcoming Events, Female, Balance, Making a Difference, Inspiration, Role Models, Volunteer

Career Paths and Working in Industry

Posted by Jaime Luna on Oct 2, 2017 4:29:35 PM
Biogen's WIN group is offering roundtable discussions with women from various areas of Biogen including R&D, Strategy, Asset Management, Clinical Safety Operations, Medical Research, and New Product Commercialization. They will be talking to female grad students and post-docs about their career paths and decision to work in industry. This event will be limited to the first 30 to register and at only $10, it is a great opportunity to network and learn.
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Topics: Events, Women, Science, Career, Community, Networking, Upcoming Events, Relationships, Biotech, Discussion, Industry

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